
Students learn to interpret and evaluate literary and cultural products from multiple 起源和使用其他语言. 他们接受的训练是提出有说服力的论点, 掌握和使用不同的理论和方法工具, and to engage in dialog with scholarly voices both within the field of comparative literature 以及其他现代(和古典)语言领域.

博士联合主任:. 雅各布-伊万·埃德特博士. Laura Eidt 


The study of literature and culture in a comparative context provides a rich environment 培养一个敏锐、全面的读者、作家和思想家. CLT students learn to interpret and evaluate literary and cultural products from multiple 起源和使用其他语言. 他们被训练得很有说服力 arguments, 掌握和使用不同的理论和方法工具, and to engage in dialog with scholarly voices both within the field of comparative literature 以及其他现代(和古典)语言领域. CLT学生承担大量 writing and original research projects in multiple linguistic traditions in preparation 学院内外的职业生涯.


Comparative literature is dedicated to the study of literature in the broadest possible 框架:跨语言、跨文化和跨学科. 广泛的定义, 它是对文学的研究:

  • -  跨越国界和民族语言
  • -   跨越时间段
  •  -  在流派
  •   - across boundaries between literature and the other arts (music, painting, architecture, 舞蹈、电影等.)
  •  - across disciplines: literature and psychology, philosophy, science, history, politics, etc.



  • 喜欢阅读
  • 喜欢质疑你所读到的和经历过的
  • 对其他语言、文化和思维方式感兴趣吗
  • prefer a program of study that allows you a maximum amount of flexibility and independence

A major or concentration in comparative literature is an excellent foundation for 在几乎任何研究领域的研究生阶段继续工作. 它也准备 students to work in any occupation where critical thinking, strong writing skills and foreign-language competence, along with a sophisticated understanding of cultural 差异和多样性是有用的. CLT作为双学位也很好. Since a double major allows sharing of up to four courses (12 hours), certain combinations of majors (CLT and English, drama, classics, modern languages) may result in a reduction 某一专业必修课程的总数量. 此外,由于 the flexibility of the program, your CLT major can be a complement to your other major, allowing you to further investigate a topic that you are already focusing on in your 其他领域,从不同的角度或比较模式. For example, an English student who studied the works of James Joyce for senior novel could write 一篇比较詹姆斯·乔伊斯和一位德国或法国先锋作家的CLT论文. An art/CLT double major could write his or her thesis on a connection between a work of art and 文学作品文学作品或电影. 甚至是没有开设课程的兴趣领域 此时此刻.g. 斯堪的纳维亚文学或俄罗斯电影)可以容纳在 CLT专业.



  • 2门3000级国际课程(MCT 3309、epoch课程等.)
  • 3 more courses, any combination of international courses (at any level) or the survey 课程MCTF 3305, MCTG 3305

*** Note that many CLT courses are cross-listed in other departments and can be counted 既适用于该专业,也适用于CLT专业或双专业. 这是特别的 现代语言和英语都是如此.


  • 比较文学概论
  • three epoch courses, from at least two epochs (Medieval, Early Modern, Modern)
  • 一门文学传统课程中学生选择了外语
  • one literary survey course in a different linguistic tradition (taught in English: MCTF 3305或MCTG 3305),或另一门第二外语的文学贸易课程. (注:如果你的区域 利息是。.g. 电影、音乐或戏剧,你可以在这里用调查课程代替 来自其他部门)
  • 两个重点课程,特别是语言/文学/艺术传统
  • MCT 4347高级论文或MCT 4349荣誉论文
  • 一个选修课

The Thesis

The purpose of a senior or honors thesis in CLT is to allow students to reflect on intersections of either two different literary traditions, or intersections of literature and other arts, with the goal of synthesizing elements from several of their courses. Thus, the thesis asks students to focus explicitly on a comparative aspect of literary study. 例如,他们可以选择讨论在两篇或两篇文章中共同主题的使用 more texts, examine the differences of a literary epoch in two linguistic traditions, analyze how a visual work of art is transposed into a poem or story, or show how music 在歌剧或配以音乐的诗歌中,文本相互关联.

The senior thesis is preferably written in the first semester of senior year, or in the semester that the student is not writing another thesis for another major. Students 在该学期注册3个论文学时. 论文可以借鉴、扩展或其他方式 incorporate papers written in other courses with the consent of the instructors and 论文主任. 它在本质上必须是比较的.e. 至少涉及两种不同的 linguistic traditions or discuss interrelations of literature and other arts. As all papers, it must have a clear, sufficiently narrow focus and a well-defined and well-supported thesis.


The comprehensive exam is an oral exam that should be taken in the last semester of 大四. 它的主要目标是作为学生组织的一种方式, divide up and provide a narrative of the unfolding of European literature in important 比较的时刻. 考试应该反映你的课程学习和个人兴趣, 它可以(也应该)与你论文的重点密切相关. 学生们 also encouraged to use the comps presentation to make connections between the various 他们在特拉华大学修读的课程,包括其他院系的课程(例如.g. philosophy 甚至是科学). 学生将被要求做一个15-20分钟的关于 either:

  • At least three 比较的时刻 in 2 or more national literatures of his or her choice
    • 对于这个选项,学生将选择三个历史时期(e.g. 中世纪, Romanticism, Modernism) where influences or parallels are obvious, either between two or more national literatures or between literature and the other arts, like music, 绘画或电影.
    • The student would give a broad overview of those 比较的时刻 and their place within European history, with three specific textual examples of the connections (e.g. German and French medieval poetry; Becquer and Wordsworth [Spanish and English Romantic poets]; and European avant-garde movements)
  • One particular historical epoch, with consideration of at least 3 media (choosing 从文学,音乐,视觉艺术或电影)
    • For this option, the student would focus on one particular period and discuss it in depth.
    • The three 比较的时刻 would need to involve at least three different media, e.g. if your focus period is Modernism/Avant-garde, you could do: a German and a French silent film; an Expressionist poem and painting; Expressionism vs. 艺术中的超现实主义 and poetry; or the influence of Sigmund Freud or Einstein on Modernist literature.

The student's presentation will be followed by questions from the faculty and students 参加.


  • clarity
  • 所提供信息的广度和实质
  • 实例的深入讨论
  • style of presentation (loud, clear, minimal note-reading, visual aids where needed)